Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Chaz is looking for work...!

   Hey Peoples, I'm Chaz O'Malley and I'm awesome. I'm a sports announcer-radio personality-model-talk show host-life coach...and that's just a taste of what makes me so special. If you mixed me with water, butter, red wine, cayenne pepper and add me to pasta, I'd be one amazing dish...and you'd probably win Top Chef!  Right now I'm just searching for one thing...a damn job. Despite my amazing reportwa...repotaiwa...well, skills - nobody's beating down my door! It's all good though cause I'm a patient man. I want the best so I'll wait for the best. And I'll wait for the best because I AM the best!

    Throughout my life I've always played second fiddle to my father, who was a pretty famous sports announcer...but he sucked at playing first fiddle! In fact, we never even started a band. My point is, I'm ready to start my own career as a sports announcer/radio-tv personality. I feel like I could bring some real spunk and excitement to every sports event or even a radio show that's hurting on it's ratings. What I'm saying is  - Let me help you. I'm will bring it every week. I have the voice of a Nordic God and the wit of a...really witty person. I'm a genius at sports and talk radio...and life. I'm basically a one-size-fits-all kind of just give me the chance. Let me put some sprinkles on that vanilla cone.

   Nowadays, all we see are former 'this' and former 'that' hosting radio shows, and guess what? They suck.  Put a mic in my face and I'll take it to the next level. I'll blow it out of the park and leave your listeners panty-less and begging for more...I'm THAT guy. I'm the guy you DON'T let babysit your kids because they'll turn out more awesome than you...before you get home!

   In all seriousness...I am awesome. Hiring me will be the single greatest thing you can do, so if you can't do it for me, do it for yourself.

Chaz O'Malley